Monday, November 22, 2021

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 47 "Thankful"


When thinking of Thanksgivings in the past I remember all the holiday celebrations with my paternal family.  It became tradition that each Thanksgiving my father's family would gather at my paternal grandparent's home to celebrate.  The group would include my grandparents, my father's brother and his family, his sister and her family and my grandmother's brother and his family.  It was an every year occurrence and something we looked forward to.

In going through some old photos I came across seven different photos of myself as an infant at the Thanksgiving celebration in 1948 when I was just 2 months old and the Thanksgiving celebration in 1949 when I was 14 months old.  

Here are some of those photos with the various members of my father's family: 


My mother, Eloris Kijak Schulte, with me:

My father, Mylen Schulte, with me:

My uncle/godfather, Melbourne Schulte, with me:

My grandfather, Elmer Schulte, with me:


My grandmother, Ella Wellhausen Schulte, with me:

My grandparents, Elmer and Ella (Wellhausen) Schulte, with me:

My aunt, Virginia (Reske) Schulte, with me:

My parents had lost their first child, Kathy, in 1947 at just 6 weeks old, and I was born 11 months later.  I was to be the only niece and granddaughter in my grandparent's family and obviously photos were a big thing at that time. 

I am pleased that my connection with my grandparents and my aunt and uncle remained for their entire lives and I think of them often, not just at Thanksgiving but at all other times as well.

Copyright 2021, Cheryl J. Schulte

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