Monday, October 25, 2021

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 43 "Shock"


The topic for this week's contribution to the "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" Challenge is "Shock".  I struggled with what to contribute on this topic and while looking through some old photographs of myself I happened upon two photos taken when I was three years old and having my first experience with "trick or treating".  

Now true enough this was 70 years ago (oh, my goodness), I certainly don't remember this day and I have no idea what my costume was supposed to be but evidently I was having a good time.

The quality of the photos is definitely lacking in clarity and I can see that my mother at one time taped some tears with scotch tape but it was a Halloween view and while I am sure I didn't shock anyone with my costume - it wasn't something intended to scare - it is appropriate for a post just prior to Halloween, 2021.

Here I am at Halloween in 1951:

I don't know where this photo was taken.  It was probably my home with my parents or could have been at my paternal grandparent's home, both in Detroit.  I do see a baby photo of myself in a frame on a piece of furniture in the background.  In the second photo I also see a very early television.  It appears that I have a box of caramel corn in my hands and I do remember loving that snack when I was a child.

In any event Happy Halloween 1951!

Copyright 2021, Cheryl J. Schulte


Barb LaFara said...

You certainly appear to be enjoying the caramel corn! Thanks for sharing!

Cheryl said...

Thanks, Barb, for your comments.