My paternal uncle, Melbourne Schulte, had a great sense of humor. He always managed to make family gatherings enjoyable with his jokes and storytelling. He was also my godfather and he took great pride in reminding me of that numerous times. Whenever he would call me he would start out the conversation by saying "this is your godfather calling".
My uncle was also a man of tremendous faith and he was an active member of his church, Mt. Zion Lutheran in Detroit, Michigan. He was always the one in the family to mediate squabbles and disagreements reminding everyone of the need to be kind to everyone regardless of the situation.
I had him in my life a long time; he was 92 when he passed away in 2013. Even all these years later I often remember something he would say or do that would make me smile.
When looking through the multitudes of photos that I have inherited from family members, I will often see photos of my uncle which make me smile.
Following are a few of those photos.
In 1922, not even 2 years old:
My uncle, Mel, with his mother, Ella Wellhausen Schulte, standing in front of the family grocery store "Kolberg and Schulte" in Detroit, Michigan.
In 1935, with his brother, Mylen, and sister, Marilyn:
Always the prankster, sticking his tongue out at the camera. I'm glad that my grandparents saved some of these photos.
In 1962, at my confirmation gathering:
My uncle, picking up HIS uncle, George Wellhausen, Sr. I don't know what prompted this display of humor but it was so typical of both men when they were together at family gatherings. This photo was taken in the backyard of my childhood home on Dwight Avenue in East Detroit, Michigan.
If my uncle could see these photos now I know that he would be pleased that I have maintained these memories and he would get a good laugh out of the photos.
copyright 2025, Cheryl J. Schulte
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