Monday, June 14, 2021

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 24 "Father's Day"


This year Father's Day in the US will be celebrated Sunday, June 20th.  Here are some photos of direct line fathers in my family with their children:

My own father, Mylen Elmer Schulte, 1923-1996, with my mother and myself in 1949 (whew, that is NOT my best look):


My paternal grandfather, Elmer Meyer Schulte, 1894-1968, with my grandmother and their 3 children, Melbourne, Mylen and Marilyn in 1938:


My paternal great-grandfather, Rudolph Myer Schulte, 1869-1940, with my great-grandmother and their son, Elmer, 1906:


My paternal 2nd great-grandfather, Joseph Meyer Schulte, 1843-1921, with my 2nd great-grandmother and their 3 children, Rudolph, Elizabeth and Ida, 1876.  This is the oldest photo that I have in my collection and I was pleased to receive it from a favorite cousin-genealogist:

(Note the repeat of the middle name (Meyer/Myer) in the above 3 generations - that is an interesting story which will be explained in a further post on this blog.)


My paternal great-grandfather, George William Wellhausen, 1869-1938, with his son, George, and two grandchildren, Lynwood and Alvis Jean, 1935 (dog's name unknown!):


My paternal 2nd great-grandfather, Christian Friedrich-Wilhelm Schluessler, 1845-1932, with two of his daughters, Amelia and Helena, ca 1928:


My maternal grandfather, Joseph Kijak, 1892-1960, with my grandmother and three of their children, Harris, Eloris and Leslie, ca 1939:


My maternal great-grandfather, August Gottlieb Kolberg, 1854-1920, with my great-grandmother and two oldest children, Amelia and Hedwig, ca 1888:


Although I don't have photos of all of my direct line ancestral fathers I am pleased with the ones that I do have and I thank all those cousins who have shared photos with me over the years.  

PS: At this time I 'only' have 1,490 photos still on a thumb drive, received from multitudes of cousins in the past 40+ years, to computerize!  That is a huge project.  

Copyright 2021, Cheryl J. Schulte

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