Sunday, October 19, 2008

Berlin Trip, 2008 - Day 11


Since moving back to my home town of St. Joseph in 1997, my mother and I have organized five reunions of our Kolberg family (in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003).  These reunions were previously held from 1939-1957 and then had stopped.  At our reunion in 2000 Gerhard and his grandsons, Kai and Oliver, traveled to the US to attend.  

Now, in Berlin, Gerhard was planning a Colberg/Kolberg family reunion to correspond with my visit and today would be the day.

Breakfast this morning was at Uschi and Harald's apartment followed by make-overs for myself and Christa by Uschi.  I asked Uschi if she would like to come to St. Joseph every morning and do my make-up for me but unfortunately she felt it was a little too far to commute!

Around noon, Kai and Steffi arrived at the apartment followed by Oli and Mandy and we left in 3 cars for a local Chinese restaurant.  Gerhard knew that Chinese food was a favorite of mine (after wiener schnitzel, of course) and he had found a very nice Chinese restaurant where we could have a private room.  The meal was great and the conversations were equally so and we sat for quite some time visiting.

Christa and Jürgen Colberg

Kai and Steffi

Mandy and Oli

Following our lunch, Gerhard suggested that we go to an attraction in Marzahn called "Garten Der Welt" (Gardens of the World).  It was here that Oli and Mandy had been married this past August and it promised to be a beautiful site to visit.

This huge location in Marzahn featured gardens from such places as China, Japan, Korea, etc along with other sites.  One could spend hours walking through these gardens and we did stay all of the afternoon.  The day was cool but sunny and made for good photos.  Kai and Steffi could not join us as they are expecting a baby and Steffi needed to go home and rest.  I would not be seeing them again during this trip so we had a few minutes to say good-bye.

Here are some photos of the Gardens of the World:

Following our trip through the gardens, we returned to Uschi and Harald's apartment for coffee, tea and cakes and discussions of our genealogy research.  Jürgen is also very interested and involved in our mutual Colberg/Kolberg history and we had a lively discussion of our research to date.

Supper followed at 9:30 and back to my apartment and bed around midnight.

Copyright 2008, Cheryl J. Schulte

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